Progress Not Perfection: Growing Your Career as a Software Engineer

Waseda University - Tokyo, Japan

Esther Kundin, Senior Software Engineer at Google, will talk about her career, how to balance work and family, and things she wishes she knew when she started her career.

Apr 7, 2022, 2:00 – 3:00 AM

25 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentInternational Women's Day (IWD)

About this event


In this talk, we are inviting Esther Kundin, Senior Software Engineer at Google NYC, as our guest speaker!

- What was her journey to Google?

- How does she manage to work as a software engineer while raising four daughters?

- What tips would she give to her younger self in pursuing her dream?

Esther has managed to raise a family while working in the tech industry for 13 years. Prior to Google, she worked at Amazon and Bloomberg and she has founded a women-in-tech community, Bloomberg Women in Tech, to inspire other women like herself in the tech industry. Join us on 4/7 from 11 AM JST to learn more about her fascinating journey as a software engineer! We will also be leaving time at the end of this session to answer any questions you may have.

このセッションでは、Google NYC のシニアソフトウェアエンジニアであるEsther Kundinさんにゲストスピーカーとしてお話しして頂きます!

- Googleへの道のりは?

- どのようにして4人の娘を育てながら、ソフトウェアエンジニアとして働いているのか?

- 夢を追いかけるために若い自分にどのようなアドバイスをするか?

Estherさんは、テクノロジー業界で13年間働きながら、家族を育ててきました。 Google以前は、AmazonとBloombergにて働き、テクノロジー業界で自分のような他の女性をインスパイヤするために、Bloomberg Women in Techを設立しました。 是非4/7(木)にセッションに参加し、彼女のジャーニーについて一緒に探検しましょう。また、セッションの最後にはQ&Aの時間も設ける予定なので、質問がある方はこの機会をご活用下さい。



  • Esther Kundin


    Senior Software Engineer


  • Rose Niousha

    GDSC Waseda Lead / Founder

  • Aiya Yesbolatova


    GDSC Sokendai Lead


  • Takumi Otsuka

    GDSC Waseda

    GDSC Lead

  • Harshita Chivukula

    Outreach Lead

  • Hyonjoon PARK

    Finance Lead

  • Priya Pramod MUKKUNDI

    Project Lead

  • Haruki Oyama

    Frontend Lead

  • Gunjan S

    Backend Lead

  • Lahiru Udawatta

    Agile Lead

  • Takato Muramatsu

    Education Co-Lead

  • Beatrix Sylvani

    Education Co-Lead

  • Seongjoon PARK

    Marketing Lead

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