Flutter 1-Month-Bootcamp: Session 1

University of Mauritius - Réduit, Mauritius

Flutter is an open-source development kit created by Google to develop cross-platform applications from a single codebase.

Mar 18, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

165 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidFlutterMobileOpen Source

About this event

We are hosting a one-month-developers bootcamp focused on Flutter to help students of the GDSC University of Mauritius develop technical development skills in Flutter. 

This bootcamp is beginner-friendly and will aim to go from a beginner to intermediate level, aiding students grasp the basics of flutter, the bootcamp will be divided into 4 sessions of Flutter and the instructor for this bootcamp is Faatimah Iz-Zaahrah Mujore who remains a current Flutter software developer as well as Google WTM ambassador. 

The first session of this bootcamp will take place at 8 PM on Saturday, 18th March.


  • Muhammad Nasweer Ellaheebuksh

    GDSC Lead

  • Sevish Babooa

    Social Media Lead

  • Yashvin Bhayraw

    Marketing Lead

  • Doshagyasing Gowardun

    Technical Lead

  • Madhav Sanmukhiya

    Media Lead

  • Vanishta Narainsamy

    Graphics Lead

  • Pooja Devi Appiah

    Event Organiser

  • Steeven Pajani Marooday

    Event Organiser

  • Yusra Gheesah

    Event Organiser

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