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Study Jam Mobile Development #3

Teknik Informatika UNPAS, 193 Jalan Doktor Setiabudi, Kota Bandung, 40153

Universitas Pasundan - Bandung, Indonesia

Join us for the third session of our Study Jam on Mobile Development! In this session, we'll dive into the world of Flutter as we introduce you to its fundamentals. Get ready to explore the depths of Flutter widgets and learn how to leverage them effectively in your mobile development journey.

Key Themes


About this event

Study at 3. We will study Mobile Development together discussing Introduction to Flutter.

Come join us, we will learn and grow together with GDSC Unpas in the field of mobile development.

What will we learn?

Deliverables to Attendees:

1. Introduction to flutter

2. Introduction flutter widgets

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Wednesday, February 28, 2024
6:00 AM – 8:00 AM UTC




  • Agung Alfatah

    Universitas Pasundan

    GDSC Lead

  • Agam Atmaja

    Google Developer Stundent Clubs

    Head of Human Resource & Partnership departement

  • Yoga Bagja Ramadhan

    Head of Media & Creative Departement

  • nizaar el hufazh

    Head of Event Manager Departemen

  • Chandra Arcychan Azfar

    Universitas Pasundan

    Head Of Curriculum Departement

  • Kalam Mahardhika &

    Curriculum Developer - Web Programming

  • Salsabila Febrianty Nurul Putri

    Curriculum Developer - Machine Learning

  • Hilman Sulaeman

    Curriculum Developer - UI/UX

  • Muhammad Ardhia Nugraha

    Curriculum Developer- Mobile Development

  • Ahmad Zidane Faturrahman

    Curriculum Developer -UI/UX

  • Dhaifullah Hilmy

    Universitas Pasundan

    Curriculum Developer-Web Programming

  • Ibnu Rusdianto

    Curriculum Developer- Network and Security

  • Anin Denin Nadia

    Human Resource and Partnership Departement

  • Hafizh Faiz Fadhlurrahman

    pasundan of university

    Curriculum Developer-UI/UX

  • Alfi Syahrin

    Curriculum Developer- Machine Learning

  • Adiya Tanaya Permana

    Event Manager Departement

  • Hervin Fakhrul Mahardika

    Curriculum Developer- Cloud

  • Fajar NS

    Curriculum Developer-Network and Security

  • Ainan Bahrul

    Human Resource and Partnership Departement

  • Agil Alatas

    Curriculum Developer - Web Programming

  • M Haykal A.H

    Media and Creative Departement

  • Raihan Anhar

    Event Manager Departement

  • Narapati Keysa

    Curriculum Developer-Mobile Development

  • Gloria Rustama

    Curriculum Developer-IoT

  • Daffaa Aprilino

    Universitas Pasundan

    Event Manager Departement

  • Fresabayu Anggoro

    Curriculum Developer-Machine Learning

  • Nabila Putri Aisyah I

    Media and Creative Departement

  • Rahman Ramadan

    Event Manager Departement

  • Muhamad Fauzan

    Media and Creative Departement

  • Ray Pratidina

    Media and Creative Departement

  • Dandy Wahyudin

    Event manager Departement

  • Reza Marchyana

    Event Manager Departement

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