Universitas Pasundan - Bandung, Indonesia

551 Group Members

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Welcome to the official page of the Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) chapter at Universitas Pasundan. We are a passionate community of students who share a common interest in technology, development, and innovation. Our goal is to create a platform where students can learn, collaborate, connect with each other. and contribute to the technology industry.

At GDSC , we organize a variety of events, workshops, and sessions aimed at enhancing your technical skills, fostering creativity, and providing opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our club is open to everyone who is eager to explore the world of coding, design, and programming.

Join us to:

-Participate in hands-on coding workshops and hackathons.

-Learn from industry experts through guest lectures and tech talks.

-Collaborate on exciting projects and gain practical experience.

-Connect with fellow students who share your passion for technology.

-Make a positive impact on the local and global tech community.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events and activities by following us on social media and joining our mailing list. If you're excited about technology and want to be a part of a dynamic and engaging community, GDSC UNPAS is the place to be.

Let's learn, Conenct, and grow together!"

Upcoming events

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Agung Alfatah

GDSC Lead Universitas Pasundan

Agam Atmaja

Head of Human Resource & Partnership departement Google Developer Stundent Clubs

Yoga Bagja Ramadhan

Head of Media & Creative Departement

nizaar el hufazh

Head of Event Manager Departemen

Chandra Arcychan Azfar

Head Of Curriculum Departement Universitas Pasundan

Kalam Mahardhika

Curriculum Developer - Web Programming Finplan.id & Dibimbing.id

Salsabila Febrianty Nurul Putri

Curriculum Developer - Machine Learning

Hilman Sulaeman

Curriculum Developer - UI/UX

Muhammad Ardhia Nugraha

Curriculum Developer- Mobile Development

Ahmad Zidane Faturrahman

Curriculum Developer -UI/UX

Dhaifullah Hilmy

Curriculum Developer-Web Programming Universitas Pasundan

Ibnu Rusdianto

Curriculum Developer- Network and Security

Anin Denin Nadia

Human Resource and Partnership Departement

Hafizh Faiz Fadhlurrahman

Curriculum Developer-UI/UX pasundan of university

Alfi Syahrin

Curriculum Developer- Machine Learning

Adiya Tanaya Permana

Event Manager Departement

Hervin Fakhrul Mahardika

Curriculum Developer- Cloud

Fajar NS

Curriculum Developer-Network and Security

Ainan Bahrul

Human Resource and Partnership Departement

Agil Alatas

Curriculum Developer - Web Programming

M Haykal A.H

Media and Creative Departement

Raihan Anhar

Event Manager Departement

Narapati Keysa

Curriculum Developer-Mobile Development

Gloria Rustama

Curriculum Developer-IoT

Daffaa Aprilino

Event Manager Departement Universitas Pasundan

Fresabayu Anggoro

Curriculum Developer-Machine Learning

Nabila Putri Aisyah I

Media and Creative Departement

Rahman Ramadan

Event Manager Departement

Muhamad Fauzan

Media and Creative Departement

Ray Pratidina

Media and Creative Departement

Dandy Wahyudin

Event manager Departement

Reza Marchyana

Event Manager Departement

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