Security: Sandboxing with Christopher Liebchen (Google)

Technical University of Munich - Munich, Germany

Security is important. Not just in the real world, but also in the digital one. We organized a talk on sandboxing which will be held by Christopher Liebchen, Security Engineer @ Google. The event will be streamed live on YouTube.

Aug 19, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

101 RSVP'd


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About this event

C and C++ persist as popular programming languages thanks to the flexibility and performance they provide to developers. However, these benefits come at the costs that software written in C/C++ are often prone to exploitable memory-corruption vulnerabilities which allow adversaries to take control of the vulnerable applications. Despite the recent advances in fuzzing, to uncover these vulnerabilities, and defenses to mitigate this class of vulnerabilities, the problem is far from being solved.

In this talk we provide an in-depth overview over different state-of-the-art sandboxing techniques, their underlying principles and challenges.


  • Christopher Liebchen


    Information Security Engineer


  • Philip Rehker

    GDSC Lead

  • Tan-Colin Wei

    GDSC Lead

  • Layla Zadina

    Core Team Member

  • Florian Hoppe

    Core Team Member

  • Justus Beck

    Core Team Member

  • Mohammad (Hamudi) Naanaa

    Core Team Member

  • Maria Pospelova

    Core Team Member

  • Philipp Zagar

    Core Team Member

  • Simon Huang


    Core Team Member

  • Florian Donhauser

    Core Team Member

  • Muhtasham Oblokulov


    Core Team Member

  • Maksym Bondarenko


    Core Team Member

  • Alexander Wiener

    Core Team Member

  • Yassine Souissi

    Core Team Member

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