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Universitas Sriwijaya - Palembang, Indonesia

1067 Group Members


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Welcome to the Google Developer Student Clubs Chapter Universitas Sriwijaya Official Page!

Google Developer Student Clubs are university based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.

GDSC Universitas Sriwijaya has been established since 2018 and continues to have a positive impact among developer students at the university.

Upcoming events

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Past events

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Nadia Laras

GDSC Lead Universitas Sriwijaya

Muhammad Fakhri Rizqullah

Co-Lead Universitas Sriwijaya

Suci Amalia


Amalia Sabila


Zildjian Vito Sulaiman

Front-End Development Core Team

Muhammad Raihan Arrasyid

Back-End Development Core Team

Muhammad Zhafran

Mobile Development Core Team

Gede Pradnyananda

Machine Learning Core Team Sriwijaya University

Edo Pratama

Cyber Security Core Team Universitas Sriwijaya

Naura Tri Raihana

UI/UX Core Team

Anandita Nabilla Ramadhani

Project Management Core Team

Renisya Kusnadi

Community Development Core Team Sriwijaya University

Aisha Nuraini

Creative Design Core Team

Rafika Octaria Ningsih

Creative Design Core Team

Muhammad Farrel Al-Wafi Frizzy

Content Writing Core Team

Huzaini Hamdani

Public Relation Core Team


Chapter Video

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