Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

522 Group Members

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Welcome to the Google Developer Student Clubs chapter at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta!

At GDSC UNY, our vision is to create tangible impact. We are dedicated to influencing the lives of students and empowering them to make a positive difference in their communities through technology. In a rapidly evolving tech world, we understand that theoretical knowledge alone doesn't cut it. That's why our Developer Student Clubs serve as the bridge that connects theoretical concepts to practical applications for student developers.

We're not just a club; we're a caring community. Here, you'll find opportunities to sharpen your technical skills, collaborate with passionate peers, and craft innovative projects that can change the world. We firmly believe that students are the agents of the future, and technology is a powerful tool to achieve that vision.

Join GDSC UNY, and together, we'll embark on a deep dive into the world of technology development. Let's bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, creating solutions that are relevant and beneficial to society. Together, we'll weave a future full of innovation and positive impact.

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Pramuditha Muhammad Ikhwan


Zainal Ma'ruf Abidin

Creative Lead

Damar Albaribin Syamsu

Academic Lead

Junnatunnisa .

Event Lead

Aqila Attini Susanto

Public Relations Lead

Guntur Wahyu Ramadhan

Academic Cyber Core Team

Drajat Fikri Alfianto

Academic Front End Core Team

Muhammad Naufal Khoirul Imamilhaq Alhifdi

Public Relations Core Team

Ananta Dafa Isna Saputra

Creative Core Team Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Fatikha Aura

Creative Core Team

Toufiq Nuur Rahman

Academic Back End Core Team

Faris Nasiruddin farisnasiruddin.2022

Academic ML/AI Core Team

Fahril Maula Tanzil Huda

Academic Mobile Core Team

Risma Novita Sari

Public Relations Core Team

ALIFIA NAMIRA PUTRI alifianamira.2022

Public Relations Core Team

Reza Akmal Syauqi

Event Core Team

Zihan Farikha Hidayah

Creative Core Team

Sadam Ahmad Nirwansyah

Academic UI/UX Core Team

Eka Nadia Listiyana Putri

Event Core Team

Melati Pramono

Academic Hustler Core Team

Inesta Fira Yuana

Event Core Team


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