YUMSU GDSC Info Session

Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano - Kano, Nigeria

Reintroducing the GDSC program to both old and new members, to know more about the program, introduction of the current lead, and core team members.

Sep 13, 2023, 2:00 – 2:40 PM

30 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

What is the motive behind the Program and what do I stand to gain as a member of Google Developer Student Clubs?

Join us on our Info Session, as we let you know the benefits you can gain from this program.


  • Abdulra'uf Rabiu

    Storm Creations

    GDSC Lead


    Sunshine Creative World

    Content Creation and Social Media

  • Yusuf Shafiu Aliyu

    Social Media

  • Abdullahi Aminu Mudi

    ByteGeist Technologies

    Techprenuer & Backend Dev

  • Usman Aminu Usman

    Flutter/Mobile Dev

  • Ahmad Auwal

    Devs Hawk

    Co Founder

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