GDSC Yasar Web Development Office Hours #2

Yaşar University - İzmir, Türkiye

In this session we provide new learners with the basics of HTML CSS and JavaScript. This session is more focused around JavaScript.

Apr 21, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 AM

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About this event

In this session we provide new learners with the basics of HTML CSS and JavaScript. This session is more focused around JavaScript.


  • Berk Durmuş Bayar

    GDSC Lead

  • Ata Ekren

    Social Media Team

  • Göktuğ Yücel

    Organization Team

  • Işıl Gülmüş

    Organization Team

  • Bartu Taşkın

    Organization Team

  • Beyza Türk

    Organization Team

  • Sirac Ketenoğlu

    Software Development Team

  • Selin Altıok

    Social Media Team

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