Agent-Based Modeling with NetLogo

Chancellors Hall, Room 114 (William and Mary), Chancellors Hall, Williamsburg, 23185

William & Mary - Williamsburg, United States

We will look at applications of agent-based modeling to the biological sciences using the popular modeling software NetLogo.

Mar 24, 2022, 11:00 PM – Mar 25, 2022, 12:00 AM

7 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Machine Learning

About this event

Agent-based modeling (ABM) enables researchers to model complex systems of interacting parts using a simple, intuitive framework. ABMs have shown interesting results in a range of fields, from the biological sciences all the way to political science. In this short workshop, we will introduce the basics of ABMs and describe the key components to include in any ABM. Then, we will approach a model that simulates the growth of metastatic tumors using the popular ABM software package, NetLogo. Join us to learn about one of the most versatile (and fun) simulation-based modeling techniques!

Before the workshop:

We will show all code in this workshop in the desktop version of NetLogo. While you can use the online version if you want, downloading NetLogo will make the experience much more seamless!

During the workshop:

You can follow along with either the attendee version (not filled in) or the instructor copy (completely filled in).

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March 24 – 25, 2022
11:00 PM – 12:00 AM UTC


  • Charlie Dobson

    GDSC Lead

  • Alex Batts


  • Colleen Polka

    Vice Lead: Workshops

  • Jason LaPierre

    Vice Lead: Consulting

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

  • Cheyenne Hwang


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