Flutter Week (Day - 4)

Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - Aziznagar, India

➤ Missed Android Study Jams ?? No worries, GDSC VJIT is excited to inform you all regarding the upcoming Flutter event. With Flutter, you can develop an app that works on both Android and iOS!! How cool is that! Do join us!

Mar 22, 2022, 1:30 – 2:15 PM

0 RSVP'd


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About this event

➤ Missed Android Study Jams ??

No worries, GDSC VJIT is excited to inform you all regarding the upcoming Flutter event.

With Flutter, you can develop an app which works on both Android and iOS!! How cool is that!

Do join us over by filling this form

➤ Commencement of Timeline:

19th March, 2022 - 24 March, 2022

Session Time : 7:00pm - 7:45pm (During the event timeline)

We can't wait to see future app developers.

The dash is so excited to see you all at the event.

➤ **Participation Certificate will be provided upon attending all the sessions.**


  • Aditya Komaravolu

    GDSC Lead


  • Aditya Komaravolu

    GDSC Lead


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  • Pavani Atmakuri

    GDSC Lead

  • Vikhyath Gupta

    Non Technical Lead at GDSC VJIT

  • Yaswanth MLVSS

    Design Lead at GDSC VJIT

  • Sai Keerthana Kurapati

    Social Media Lead at VJIT

  • Bharath Kumar Agnur

    Technical Lead at VJIT

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