MongoDB workshop

University of Toronto - Mississauga, Canada

NoSQL databases are interchangeably referred to as “nonrelational,” “NoSQL DBs,” or “non-SQL” to highlight the fact that they can handle huge volumes of rapidly changing, unstructured data in different ways than a relational (SQL) database with rows and tables.

Feb 11, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00 AM

16 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

We will go over how to choose databases for your projects, work on advantages and disadvantages, etc. We will also talk in detail about the NoSQL database and go over some key concepts of NoSQL with MongoDB Demo.


  • Milind Vishnoi


    Former Workshop Lead


  • Giang Bui

    GDSC Lead

  • Jackson Lee

    GDSC Co-Lead

  • Michael Pavle

    Tech Lead

  • Sam Chan

    Tech Lead

  • Ido Ben Haim

    Tech Lead

  • abdullah shahid

    Tech Lead

  • Estelle Foo-Fat

    Marketing Lead

  • Jasleen Binning

    Marketing Lead

  • Lujain Radwan

    Logistics & Outreach Lead

  • Hammad Iqbal

    Logistics & Outreach Lead

  • Leanne T

    Logistics & Outreach Lead

  • Usha Sophea Janardhan

    Finance Lead

  • Daniyal Bokhari

    Tech Associate

  • Jesse Han

    Tech Associate

  • Taha S

    Tech Associate

  • Elizabeth Zhang

    Marketing Associate

  • Elif Yasar

    Marketing Associate

  • Deepasri Dattaraghava

    Logistics & Outreach Associate

  • iris chang

    Logistics & Outreach Associate

  • Shubh Bapna


  • Chris Lim

    Banger Advisor

  • Muhammad Hamza Gondal

    University of Toronto


  • Roman Fanian


  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

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