Getting started with FIrebase Part II

University of The Gambia, Kanifing, Serrekunda, 00000

University of the Gambia - Serrekunda, The Gambia

Getting started with Firebase Part II" builds upon the foundational understanding established in the initial stage of Firebase exploration. In this stage, users delve deeper into the versatile functionalities and advanced features offered by Firebase, Google's comprehensive mobile and web application development platform.

Feb 8, 12:00 – 2:00 PM

7 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

Getting started with Firebase Part II" builds upon the foundational understanding established in the initial stage of Firebase exploration. In this stage, users delve deeper into the versatile functionalities and advanced features offered by Firebase, Google's comprehensive mobile and web application development platform.

The focus of Part II is to empower developers with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage Firebase effectively for building robust, scalable, and feature-rich applications. The following are key areas typically covered in this phase:

Authentication and Authorization: Users learn how to implement user authentication using Firebase Authentication, allowing them to securely manage user identities across various platforms. Additionally, they explore advanced authorization techniques to control access to resources within their applications.

Real-time Database and Cloud Firestore: Part II introduces users to Firebase's real-time database and Cloud Firestore, equipping them with the ability to store and sync data in real-time across multiple clients. Developers learn how to structure their database, perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and implement advanced querying and data modeling techniques.

Cloud Functions: Participants are introduced to Cloud Functions for Firebase, enabling them to extend their application's functionality by executing backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTP requests. They learn how to deploy, manage, and monitor Cloud Functions to automate tasks, process data, and integrate with third-party services.

Cloud Storage: This module familiarizes users with Firebase Cloud Storage, a powerful solution for storing and serving user-generated content such as images, videos, and files. Developers gain hands-on experience uploading and downloading files, managing storage buckets, and implementing security rules to protect data.

Firebase Hosting: Participants explore Firebase Hosting, a fast and secure hosting service for web apps and static content. They learn how to deploy their applications effortlessly, configure custom domains, set up SSL certificates, and optimize performance using Firebase Hosting's built-in CDN (Content Delivery Network).



Thursday, February 8, 2024
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM UTC


  • Muhammed Nget

    University of The Gambia

    GDSC Lead


  • Muhammed Nget

    GDSC Lead

  • Kaddy Sowe

    Backend co-lead

  • Bamfa Ceesay

    Frontend co-lead

  • STEPS Keita


    Frontend lead

  • Pa Modou Ann

    Planning and Management team lead

  • Ba Fanding Touray

    Mobile development team lead

  • Asiatou Touray

    Content and Social Media team lead

  • Cherno Alieu Cham

    Backend co-lead

  • Fatou Gaye


    Backend team lead

  • Abdourahman Sheikh Jallow

    Mobile development co-lead

  • Prince Donkor

    Backend co-lead

  • Yusupha Kinteh

    Planning And Management Co-Lead

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