what is LinkedIn?

University of Technology - Baghdad, Iraq

an 2-hours workshop about LinkedIn, one of the most important platforms for recruitment and expanding your network

Feb 15, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

1 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

In this workshop, you will learn about  LinkedIn, one of the most important platforms for recruitment and expanding your network. you'll get to know  how to create a strong profile on LinkedIn, a social media platform for professionals. We will show you how to use LinkedIn's features to increase your visibility and connect with potential employers, clients, and professional contacts.


  • Yaman Asama


    GDSC Lead

  • Dima Sabah | ديمـه صباح

    Core Team

  • Hasan Humam

    Fontty Games

    Core Team

  • Mustafa _NBA

    Student in University of Technology

    Core Team

  • Ali Adnan

    Core Team

  • سجاد طارق عبدالله شفي

    University of Technology

    Core Team

  • يوسف عدي حسين

    Core Team

  • محمدباقر سجاد

    Core Team

  • Hasan AlFayyadh

    Core Team

  • Abo Al-Fadel A. Abbas

    Core Team

  • Amna Wahab

    Core Team

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