what is biomechanics

University of Technology, Al Senaha Street, Baghdad, Baghdad Governorate, 10045

University of Technology - Baghdad, Iraq

التعرف على البيو ميكانيك بشكل عام

Apr 5, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 AM

2 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Learn about biomechanics in general, its importance and its uses in our daily lives, and how we can develop it to become better in our daily use, as well as biomechanics and its relationship to the branches of engineering, as well as in robots, and get to know some of the devices that are used in biomechanics, including clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic



Wednesday, April 5, 2023
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC


  • Yaman Asama


    GDSC Lead

  • Dima Sabah | ديمـه صباح

    Core Team

  • Hasan Humam

    Fontty Games

    Core Team

  • Mustafa _NBA

    Student in University of Technology

    Core Team

  • Ali Adnan

    Core Team

  • سجاد طارق عبدالله شفي

    University of Technology

    Core Team

  • يوسف عدي حسين

    Core Team

  • محمدباقر سجاد

    Core Team

  • Hasan AlFayyadh

    Core Team

  • Abo Al-Fadel A. Abbas

    Core Team

  • Amna Wahab

    Core Team

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