Welcoming Orientation Laser & Optical Electronic Engineering

University of technology - Innovative Students Club, Iraq, Baghdad, Alrusafah, Sinaa St, Baghdad, 56001

University of Technology - Baghdad, Iraq

Welcoming Orientation Laser & Optical Electronic Engineering Department

Dec 1, 2022, 7:00 – 9:15 AM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Compose Camp

About this event

amazing Event to meet our new freshman students 🎒

Laser & Optical Electronic Engineering


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UoT - Innovative Students Club

University of Technology logo

University of Technology

GDG Baghdad logo

GDG Baghdad


  • Yaman Asama


    GDSC Lead

  • Dima Sabah | ديمـه صباح

    Core Team

  • Hasan Humam

    Fontty Games

    Core Team

  • Mustafa _NBA

    Student in University of Technology

    Core Team

  • Ali Adnan

    Core Team

  • سجاد طارق عبدالله شفي

    University of Technology

    Core Team

  • يوسف عدي حسين

    Core Team

  • محمدباقر سجاد

    Core Team

  • Hasan AlFayyadh

    Core Team

  • Abo Al-Fadel A. Abbas

    Core Team

  • Amna Wahab

    Core Team

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