Graduate Stories Talk

University of St Andrews - St Andrews, United Kingdom

The GDSC for St Andrews is hosting two St Andrews allumni to talk about their career paths from MMath students at St Andrews to software engineers at Goldman Sachs and Google respectively.

Dec 1, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 PM

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Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

The GDSC for St Andrews is hosting two St Andrews allumni, Leticija Dubickaitė and Dorottya Dénes, to talk about their career paths from MMath students at St Andrews to software engineers at Goldman Sachs and Google respectively.

Join us at 5:30pm on Wednesday 1st of December at


  • Dorottya Dénes

  • Leticija Dubickaitė


  • Arnav Bista

    GDSC Lead

  • Hassan Mahmoud

    Mobile Developer

  • Matthew Pancer

    Mobile Developer

  • Xuan Wu Xu


  • Allyson Chai

    Machine Learning Researcher

  • Pedro Gronda Garrigues

    Machine Learning Researcher

  • Armaan Madanmohan

    Core Team

  • Oscar Raunio

    Core Team

  • Jake Brockwell

    Quantum Computing Researcher

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