TechPlus 2

University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene - Bab Ezzouar, Algeria

TechPlus is a bi-weekly online event where industry experts discuss various topics in the tech field, providing valuable insights and networking opportunities for participants.

Key Themes

AccessibilityCareer DevelopmentFirebaseFlutterMobileOpen SourceTensorFlow / KerasUI / UXWeb

About this event

TechPlus is an online event, where guest speakers from the tech industry are invited to talk about specific topics related to the field. The event is held every two weeks and is aimed at providing insights and knowledge about the latest trends, innovations, and developments in technology. The guests are experts in their respective fields and offer valuable insights and experiences to the participants. Through TechPlus, participants can expand their knowledge, network with like-minded individuals, and gain a deeper understanding of the tech industry.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Sadji Zigadi

    GDSC Lead

  • SOUNDOUS Sahtat



  • Anis Laib

    IT manager

  • Aissiou Ikram


    HR manager

  • Neila Belhadj

    Université de Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumediene

    ER manager

  • Lounes Zengal

    Web-dev chief

  • Massinissa Mouhoub

    Mobile-dev chief

  • Raouf gaouer

    Game-dev chief

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