
University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene - Bab Ezzouar, Algeria

Jsahra: A virtual event during Ramadan nights, featuring workshops on React for JavaScript enthusiasts.

Mar 26, 2023, 9:30 PM – Mar 30, 2023, 10:45 PM

113 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentCloud Study JamWeb

About this event

Join us for Jsahra, a virtual event that brings together JavaScript enthusiasts to learn and explore the React library. This year's event will take place during the nights of Ramadan and will feature engaging workshops led by experienced developers. From beginner-friendly sessions to advanced topics, Jsahra has something for everyone. Connect with other developers, expand your skills, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of a sahra from the comfort of your home. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to enhance your knowledge of React and JavaScript.


  • Sadji Zigadi

    GDSC Lead

  • SOUNDOUS Sahtat



  • Anis Laib

    IT manager

  • Aissiou Ikram


    HR manager

  • Neila Belhadj

    Université de Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumediene

    ER manager

  • Lounes Zengal

    Web-dev chief

  • Massinissa Mouhoub

    Mobile-dev chief

  • Raouf gaouer

    Game-dev chief

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