Firebase in Action

Get ready for some new skills and learnings with Firebase! Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform that allows you to build, improve, and grow your app. Currently, It has 18 products and is used by more than 2 million apps. Don't forget to attend the webinar! Register at:

Feb 8, 2021, 12:30 – 3:30 PM



Key Themes


About this event

We are excited to announce the Firebase in Action events for you to kickstart your learning with Firebase. With Firebase in Action, we will learn the capabilities of using Firebase for developing Web applications, share our experiences, and solve hands-on problems together. It is a great opportunity to bring members of our community together to learn this hot technology in person.

We'll be doing the new Qwiklabs quest which is Serverless Firebase Development with Firebase Development Challenge Lab. You can access this quest and gain credits by clicking on this link:

Make sure you are completing the quest Serverless Firebase Development to receive a badge which you can use for professional purpose and be useful for your future career. 


  • Akshit Gandotra

    GDSC Lead

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