From idea to realization - Web3Hub

University of Novi Sad - Novi Sad, Serbia

Find out how to assemble a team, distribute work, lunch & fund a project from scratch. In addition, to empower communities in the Web3 Ecosystem.

Apr 6, 2023, 5:00 – 5:45 PM

14 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AccessibilityCareer DevelopmentTensorFlow / KerasUI / UX

About this event

Andrija, a student at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, will present to you during this workshop the flow of the project from the idea to the very end. How did everything go from putting together the team to putting it on the air? Although he is young, he has ambitions for personal development and independent development in addition to his student obligations. Get to know his way of thinking and let this upcoming event inspire you to start something that will contribute to you and the community. Our moderators Danijela and Aleksa will make this conversation more complete and interactive.


  • Andrija Gajić

    Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad

    Information system engineering student


  • Danijela Simić

    Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad

    GDSC Volunteer

  • Aleksa Savić

    Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad

    GDSC Volunteer


  • Aleksandra Koprivica

    GDSC Lead

  • Maša Šaranović


  • Darko Stefanovic

    Faculty of Technical Sciences

    Faculty Advisor

  • Natalija Marinkovic

    GDSC Creative Lead

  • Milica Mišan

    GDSC Event Organization Lead

  • Vanja Škorić

    GDSC Operations Lead

  • Danijela Simic

    Social Meadia Lead

  • Andrija Gajic

    Tech Lead

  • Aleksa Savić

    Marketing & Communication Lead

  • Vanja Kovacevic

    Logistics Lead

  • Danilo Nikolić

    Faculty Representative

  • Aleksa Komosar

    Faculty of Technical Sciences

    Faculty Representative and Mentor

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