Tech Talk: Data Science - Expectations Vs Reality

Universität Mannheim, Ehrenhof Ost, Hörsaal EO 150 (AbsolventUM), Mannheim, 68161

University of Mannheim - Mannheim, Germany

Hey there! Curious about a career in Data Science? Wondering what it's really like versus what you learn in school? We've got just the event for you!

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Come along to our next Google Developers Student Community meetup, where we'll dive into the real world of Data Science with insights from an expert. It's a great chance to get a clearer picture of the field, straight from someone who knows it best.

Topics to be covered:

1. The Reality of Job Requirements: Why they're so varied and how to make sense of them.

2. Expectations vs. Reality: Unpacking the myths taught in universities versus the nitty-gritty of the daily grind in the industry.

3. Must-Have Skills: Which skills are crucial right now if you want to stand out and land your first job in Data Science?

4. Staying Updated: How can you keep up in a field that evolves by the minute?

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to sharpen your understanding and gear up for a thriving career in Data Science.

Location: University of Mannheim, Room: EO 150

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Kate Nazarova


    Data Scientist


  • Shivam Suchak

    GDSC Lead

  • Elizaveta Larina

    Core Team

  • Leila Orbán

    SAP SE

    Core Team

  • Ignatio Calvin Hidayat

    Core Team

  • Anastasia Liman

    Core Team

  • Andreas Edte

    Core Team

  • Rozalinda Kotreli

    Core Team

  • Ashish U Mandayam

    SAP SE

    Core Team

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