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WebTech 360: Web Programming from the Ground Up with React, Next, Nest, and MongoDB

University of Kinshasa - Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Building the Future: Navigating the Future with React, Next, Nest, and MongoDB

Key Themes


About this event

Join us for 'Building the Future: Web Programming from the Ground Up' where we'll dive deep into the core technologies shaping the web landscape. From React's dynamic interfaces to Next.js for seamless client-side rendering, Nest.js for scalable server-side applications, and MongoDB for flexible data management, this event is your gateway to mastering modern web development. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or just starting out, come explore the tools that are revolutionizing the way we build for the web.

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Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Luccin MASIRIKA

    Kadea Software

    Software Engineer

  • MBULA Assurance

    University of Kinshasa



  • Assurance MBULA

    GDSC Lead

  • Samuel Matia


  • Exaucé Maruba


    Software Lead

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