Introduction to Redux (with React)

University of Birmingham - Birmingham, United Kingdom

Continuing on from our React workshop, DSC UoB introduces its next workshop covering Redux, the open-source JavaScript library used for managing application state! During the workshop, David from the Core Team will cover everything from why you'd even want to use Redux in the first place, to implementing it in your own project, and he'll even touch on deploying your project using GitHub Pages!

May 27, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

7 RSVP'd


Key Themes

UI / UXWeb

About this event

So you've covered React? Or maybe you've just touched on some JavaScript before?

If so, chances are you've wondered if only there was a way to make your states or effects available wherever you wanted?

Well, there is, and Redux is your answer!

Continuing on from our last workshop covering the JavaScript library React, DSC University of Birmingham introduces its next workshop covering Redux, the open-source JavaScript library used for managing application state. In a nutshell, Redux acts as a subscription manager that watches over the state of an application and enables any component to get the state they need, whenever they need it, and in whatever format they need it.

During the workshop, David from the DSC Core Team will cover everything from why you'd even want to use Redux in the first place, to implementing it in your very own project, and he'll even touch on deploying your project using GitHub Pages!


  • Charles Wilson

    GDSC Lead

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