Introduction to Git and GitHub

University of Birmingham - Birmingham, United Kingdom

DSC University of Birmingham introduces its second event of the year, "Introduction to Git and GitHub" where Rob and Leela will be teaching Git from the absolute basics, covering making your first commit, all the way through to some tips and tricks for resolving merge conflicts. This will also include a live demonstration of best continuous integration practices! We hope to see you there! :D

Key Themes


About this event

DSC University of Birmingham introduces its second event of the year, "Introduction to Git and GitHub" where Rob and Leela will be teaching Git from the absolute basics, covering making your first commit, all the way through to some tips and tricks for resolving merge conflicts!

Git is an incredibly useful tool for organising and tracking changes in your code, and is used in almost every single workplace nowadays, as well as for personal projects!

This session will also include a live demonstration of best continuous integration practices, i.e. how to work in a team collaboratively on the same codebase.

We hope to see you there! :D

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Charles Wilson

    GDSC Lead

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