Hangout with the Core Team!

University of Birmingham - Birmingham, United Kingdom

DSC University of Birmingham introduces its first event of the year, "Hangout with the Core Team" where you can come and meet the people behind DSC University of Birmingham, find out what we've got planned for the next month, and hear about all we've been getting up to over lockdown! Oh, and don't forget to bring a warm beverage and some snacks! :)

Oct 6, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

22 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

DSC University of Birmingham introduces its first event of the year, "Hangout with the Core Team" where you can come and meet the people behind DSC University of Birmingham, find out what we've got planned for the next month, and hear about all we've been getting up to over lockdown.

The MC for the event is our very own Will Russell, a third year BSc Computer Science student who's passionate about all things tech and hackathon related! Oh, and did we mention he's currently running the MLH Fellowship programme? He'll be talking all about this alongside the other Core Team members Rob Hallam (DSC Lead), Valeria Popescu, Justin Chadwell, Charlie de Freitas and Leela Muppala!

This is an open session, so feel free to come and chat with us all, ask as many questions as you have and really feel welcomed to DSC University of Birmingham! We're building this community around you, so see this as an opportunity to take advantage of that and tell us what you want to see happen over the coming year!

Oh, and don't forget to bring a warm beverage and some snacks! :)


  • Charles Wilson

    GDSC Lead

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