We are hosting an event on Git and GitHub

University of Bamenda, Ens street, Bambili Cameroon, Unknown

University of Bamenda - Bamenda, Cameroon

Git and GitHub is all about how VCS(version control system) works. GDSC University of Bamenda is hosting an event to tell you and info inform you better about this.

May 7, 2022, 12:30 – 2:30 PM

13 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

GGDS UBa is hosting an event on VCS and the awesome work we can perform with. Come massively to know more and clear your doubts and questions that have been kept unanswered since.

You cannot control anyone but yourself in this life, and that means you ultimately have the choice in whether you would like life's struggles to define you and keep you down, or would you like them to fuel you to be the very best version of you that you can be. - Author: L.K. Elliott

Think twice, think wisely! 

With ❤️ GDSC -UBa



Saturday, May 7, 2022
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM UTC


  • Ndongmo Nguimfack Christian

    GDSC Bamenda

    GDSC Lead

  • Chia Raissa

    Social Media Manager

  • Neba Desmond

    Computer Engineering

  • Ghany Elisha


    Graphic Designer

  • nyong godwill

    Cloud Lead

  • Kongnyuy Livingston

    Mobile App Lead

  • Youmbi Leo

    Event Planner

  • Manka Manjong

    AI and ML Lead

  • Anna Thelma Thelma

    Frontend Lead

  • Nchanji Faithful



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