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An introductory workshop on software testing, what is its importance, and how to start working with software testing in Iraq!
Key Themes
Career Development
About this event
This workshop is necessary for the pioneers of the field of working with information technology in Iraq, where the engineer Omar Al-Doori will present a theoretical and practical introduction to software testing, from its definition, importance, and methodologies used in it until we arrive at a practical example that will be applied on the day of the workshop!
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Registration for this event is closed. Please contact the event organizer for assistance.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC
What is the Software Testing?
Why we need Software Testing?
The importance of Software Testing in SDLC
The SDLC and the STLC methodologies
The career path in the Software Testing
Facts to discuss
• Software Testingpositionis missing from the Iraq career market (0% jobs in almost the top 5 Arabic recruitment websites!)
• How to build the Testing role or career in IRAQ
• More and more to be discussed on the table during the webinar!