DSC Info Session

University of Alberta - Edmonton, Canada

Come and check out our Info Session to learn more about the Developer Student Clubs. Meet and Greet the Developer Student Core Team at the University of Alberta

Sep 7, 2020, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

32 RSVP'd


Key Themes

About this event

Learn more about us during our Info Session 

Topics Covered 

- Developer Student Clubs

- Google Developers

- University of Alberta DSC

- Meet the Core Team

- Followed by Q&A (We are taking live questions through YouTube Chat)

If you have any questions and/or concerns, feel free to reach out to us. Make sure to follow DSC UofA on Social Media and sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date:

Mailing List: https://forms.gle/y5H6CBi5d1DB3RZe6

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mbVZthh

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJIGGSQrHGJ_bJebpnIPSNg/

The live stream will be held in 24 hours


  • Daniel Fiorillo


    Google Developer Student Club Community Manager - U.S.


  • Khushi Mittal

    GDSC Lead

  • Yash Mouje

    Media Lead

  • Reem Rashid

    Outreach Lead

  • Chetan Tyagi

    Events Lead

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

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