Hello Flutter!

University College of Engineering - Kariavattom, India

An event on kickstarting your journey in Flutter

Mar 9, 2023, 1:30 – 3:30 PM

125 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidFirebaseFlutterFlutter Forward ExtendedSolution Challenge

About this event

Hey, you!

Join us for two days full of learning and networking. Whether you're a seasoned Flutter Developer or just getting started, there's something for everyone!!😌😌

Flutter is a mobile app development framework that lets developers create visually appealing apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase. It's powerful and flexible, making it easy and fast for developers to create custom UI Designs

As a part of the Google Solutions Challenge, GDSC UCEK is presenting you with an enthralling opportunity to learn and know much more about Flutter😎

✨Hello Flutter✨

Get a chance to meet and interact with Mr. Roshan Mathews, the GDSC Lead of the TocH Institute of Science and Technology, Ernakulam. He's an expert Flutter Developer and an enthusiastic Public Speaker. He's also an experienced and skilled Web Developer.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to take your Flutter skills to next level🤩🤩


  • Roshan Mathews

    GDSC Lead

    Flutter Developer


  • Arjun GS

    GDSC Lead

  • Shijida Shain


    Faculty Adviser


    Dev Relations Lead

  • Vishnu A V

    Social Lead

  • Ameer Khan.S

    Operations Lead

  • Nikhitha Mohan

    Design Lead

  • Bharath V

    Content Lead

  • Adarsh Dev M R

    Project Lead

  • Chethas L Pramod

    Technology Lead (Hardware)

  • Arjun TK


    Technology Lead (Software)

  • Riya Roy

    Women In Tech

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