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Unlocking the power of Python

Bangangte, Campus de Mfetom, salle B02, Bangangte, CMR-208

Université des Montagnes - Bangangté, Cameroon

In this event, we talk about Python, and the areas in which the programming language is used, from the most popular to the least popular, but all areas in which it excels. From machine learning with Tensforflow to mobile with Kivy

Key Themes

Machine LearningMobileTensorFlow / KerasWeb

About this event

This event supports the 30 days of Code already organised.

In this event, we start by introducing the Python language.

Then we discuss its everyday use, i.e. the areas in which it can be used. Then we'll talk in turn about the areas in which it is most widely used today, with an emphasis on machine learning. What makes Python so widely used and the most widely used for machine learning? To this end, we talk about its performance in manipulating small and large numbers, its dynamic structure...

Then we talk about other areas such as scripting, automation and the web, where it is widely used.

We also talk about mobile development, where Kivy is growing in popularity and could become a competitor to Flutter because it offers better performance for applications that manipulate complex objects, which limits Flutter's ability to develop games and mobile games. Kivy does not suffer from this weakness.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Wednesday, March 15, 2023
7:03 AM – 7:03 AM UTC



  • Momo Kell

    GDSC Lead

  • Tatchou Yopa

    Back-end developer

  • Ulrich Waba

    Seven &fils


  • Fortune Siewe


  • Gildas Elongo

    community manager

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