30 Days of code

Mfetom, Université des Montagnes, Campus de Mfetom, Bangangté, CMR-208

Université des Montagnes - Bangangté, Cameroon

The aim of the 30 Days of Code bootcamp is to allow GDSC Université des Montagnes students to take their first steps into the world of development. Students are trained on Python, Flutter, Angular and Nodejs in order to discover the sector of scripting, data science and machine learning, frontend web development, backend web development, software development.

Jan 20, 2023, 9:35 PM – Feb 28, 2023, 9:35 PM

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Key Themes

FlutterSolution ChallengeWeb

About this event


The 30 Days of Code bootcamp is a bootcamp designed to allow GDSC students of the University of the Mountains to take their first steps in the world of software development. The topics covered are: introduction to Python development, introduction to frontend web development with Angular, introduction to backend and web api development with Nodejs and finally introduction to mobile application development with Flutter. The choice of these different themes is not a coincidence because they are the most popular themes in the field of technology today. At the same time, the choice of these different themes is intended to help students find the areas they are most comfortable with and focus on them. Because starting in the world of IT solutions development with a tool or a programming language that is unmotivating, difficult to learn or not stimulating for a student can lead to discouragement, loss of confidence and abandonment of this sector which is however very exciting.

It is therefore through a stimulating and encouraging programme that the GDSC Université des Montagnes aims to facilitate the integration of many students into the world of IT solutions development.

Course description

1. Learning

In the first part of the bootcamp, the different themes are presented as well as the existing projects and products realized or in progress thanks to the tools exposed in the theme.

Then common classes are created in order to teach the basics and facilitate the handling of each tool presented in each theme.

Afterwards, a first test is carried out and a discussion session with the students is organised not only to help them in their orientation. But also, depending on the profile of each student, to prepare him/her for the difficulties he/she will face.

Then come the specialised classes, each of which focuses on a single topic and is independent of the others. The basics are reviewed in depth and students are given exercises in the form of mini-projects to do in groups or on their own. Each week, the difficulty of each training programme increases and resources are made available to the students.

2. Hackathon

At the end of the bootcamp, the students of the different specialised classes are invited to form groups with the skills they have learned in at least three of the four themes addressed. Then they have to propose several projects, one of which solves a specific problem encountered by the Cameroonian population in their daily lives. The team then has 10 days to work on their project. At the end of the 10 days, all teams must submit their projects. Then, these will be judged by a jury and the best ones will be awarded. And appreciations, suggestions will be made on the project of each team so that they can improve it to submit it to the Google Solutions Challenge.


At the end of the BootCamp the students are evaluated and certificates of participation are given to the students. Advice on how to improve their skills is provided. As well, suggestions for further research and learning are provided.  



January 20 – February 28, 2023
9:35 PM – 9:35 PM UTC



  • Momo Kell

    GDSC Lead

  • Tatchou Yopa

    Back-end developer

  • Ulrich Waba

    Seven &fils


  • Fortune Siewe


  • Gildas Elongo

    community manager

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