Quantum computing

Quantum computing is a new computing paradigm that gives us answers to complex problems efficiently. What situation are we currently in? Do we have quantum computers? The computer scientists who paint there? In this talk we will answer these questions and more! We are in the new quantum revolution, don't miss the train!

May 17, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM



Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Quantum computing is a new computing paradigm that gives us answers to complex problems efficiently. What situation are we currently in? Do we have quantum computers? The computer scientists who paint there? In this talk we will answer these questions and more! We are in the new quantum revolution, don't miss the train! Join us!


La computació quàntica és un nou paradigma de la computació que ens dona resposta a problemes complexes de manera eficient. En quina situació estem actualment? Tenim ordenadors quàntics? Els informàtics que hi pinten? A aquesta xerrada respondrem aquestes preguntes i més! Estem a la nova revolució quàntica, no perdis el tren!


  • Alex Alemany

    GDG Menorca & DSC UPC

    Organizador GDG Menorca y DSC UPC Lead


  • Noah Marquez Vara

    GDSC Lead

  • Alejandro Guzman Requena

    GDSC Lead

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