DevTalk : Competitive Programming

Laboratorium Pemrograman Lanjut, Gedung Diklat Lantai 4 Fasilkom UNSRI Bukit, Jl. Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar, Kec. Ilir Bar. I, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30128, Palembang, 30128

Universitas Sriwijaya - Palembang, Indonesia

Imagine the word Competitive and the word Programming were in the same sentence. Well, here it is. We brought to you DevTalk: Competitive Programming

Jan 28, 2023, 2:30 – 4:30 AM

40 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentWeb

About this event

Do you know Competitive Programming? Are you keen to know it? If that's the case, you're in for a treat! Join this event, "DevTalk: Competitive Programming" to experience a whole new level of programming! This DevTalk will teach you valuable skills that will improve your programming experience. You'll have the opportunity to learn the competitive programming style from reputable speakers. Isn't it exciting? To learn more about Competitive Programming, please RSVP now! If you have any questions, reach out to out contact persons: +6282177167015 (Annisa) or +6285368572406. (Lyrani)

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    Sriwijaya University

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    Universitas Sriwijaya

    GDSC Lead

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    Universitas Sriwijaya


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    Front-End Development Core Team

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    Back-End Development Core Team

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    Mobile Development Core Team

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    Sriwijaya University

    Machine Learning Core Team

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    Universitas Sriwijaya

    Cyber Security Core Team

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    UI/UX Core Team

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    Sriwijaya University

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