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WomenLand Summer 2024 Registration Form

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo - Gorontalo, Indonesia

An event held by GDSC Indonesia

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentWeb

About this event

Welcome to WomenLand Summer 2024!

Girls Who Code, Girls Who Inspire!

We're excited to empower the next generation of female coders and innovators!

Event Details:

Date: Sunday, 26th May 2024

Time: 10.00-13.00 WIB

Meet Our Inspiring Speakers:

  • Galuh Adika (Mom Who Codes, Business & Tech Executive, Top 15 Finalist Miss Indonesia 2024) will be delivering an inspiring talk to kick off the event.
  • Gain hands-on coding experience with our workshop leaders:
    • Sri Indarti (Lead GDSC Trilogi) - Beginner's Workshop
    • Ayu Sudi (Instructor Hacktiv8, Lead GDSC Binus Online) - Intermediate Workshop

Ready to be inspired and gain new coding skills?

RSVP NOW to secure your spot and join us for a day of learning, networking, and fun!

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Galuh Adika

    Business & Tech Executive


  • Sri Indarti

    GDSC Lead Trilogi University

  • Ayu Sudi Dwijayanti

    GDSC Lead BINUS University Online


  • Dzakiyyah Azahra Mooduto

    GDSC Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

    GDSC Lead

  • Muhammad Amirul Bimantoro

    Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


  • Ilham Dwiki Putra Rumondor

    Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

    Head of Technical

  • Muh. Fachry J.K. Luid

    Technical - Web & Cloud

  • Dhani Ardiyanto Syahdila

    Technical - Mobile Development

  • Sabrina Salsabila Saleh

    Machine Learning

  • Masita Fitria Manangin

    Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

    Technical - UI/UX

  • Febiyani Nuralifa Paneo

    Head of Creative

  • Nurul Aprilia

    Creative - Copywriter

  • Reynaldy Raditya Lakoro

    Creative - Graphic Designer

  • Dean Thalib

    Creative - Video Editor

  • Awalia Laode


    ComDev - Public Relation

  • Aan Saputra

    ComDev - Event Organizer

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