Web Development Study Jam 3 : DOM Javascript for Interactive Web

Universitas Muslim Indonesia - Makassar, Indonesia

Website development is the process of creating and maintaining a website. The end goal of website development is to create an online presence for businesses, organizations, or individuals that effectively conveys information and provides an easy-to-use interface for visitors to interact with.

Feb 12, 2023, 12:00 – 2:15 PM

30 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentWeb

About this event

Web Development Study Jam 3 : DOM Javascript for Interactive Web

Website development is the process of creating and maintaining a website. The end goal of website development is to create an online presence for businesses, organizations, or individuals that effectively conveys information and provides an easy-to-use interface for visitors to interact with.

How can we create a website that can improve our business branding? These Study Jams are the answer!

It’s a collaboration event between GDSC UMI and GDSC Unmul to learn how to build a website through these 3 study jams.

This event will be held on :

  • 🗓️ 10-12 February 2023
  • 🕜 8:00-10:15 PM.
  • 📷 Zoom Meetings

In this timeline of study :

  • Study Jam 1: HTML and CSS Basic (10 February)
  • Study Jam 2: Build Portfolio Webpage (11 February)
  • Study Jam 3: DOM Javascript for Interactive Web (12 February)

And this is the benefits you can get :

  • Knowledge
  • Networking
  • Build your portfolio website
  • And many more

Register yourself to join our discord and get more information on it!

See ya! And let's grow together with GDSC


  • Farhan Syarif


    Technical Core Team


  • Fadhil Hidayat Ibrahim


    Community Development Core Team


  • Fachrul Islam

    GDSC Lead

  • Muhammad Afdal Adiguna

    Universitas Muslim Indonesia

    Coord. Technical Division

  • farhan amansyah

    Universitas Muslim Indonesia

    Coord. Tech Div. Android & Multiplatform

  • Muhammad Fattahurrazaq


    Coord. Event Organizer Division

  • Azizah Putri

    Universitas Muslim Indonesia

    Coord. Creative Division

  • Idama Wahda Nur

    Universitas Muslim Indonesia

    Core Team Technical Division Web & Cloud

  • Athar Fathana

    Coord. Tech Div. ML & AI

  • Indira Renata

    Core Team Event Organizer

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