Introduction to GitHub

Matana University, Jl. CBD Barat Kav, RW.1, Curug Sangereng, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Tangerang Regency, 15810

Matana University - Tangerang, Indonesia

Get to know more about GitHub Basics

Feb 22, 9:00 – 11:00 AM

9 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

πŸš€ Unlock the World of GitHub! 🌟

Join us for 'GitHub Essentials,' an event that will revolutionize your coding journey. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, this is your chance to delve into the heart of collaboration and version control with GitHub.

πŸ—“οΈ Date: Thursday, February 24, 2024

πŸ• Time: 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

🏫 Venue: Matana University Programming Lab, P2

Get ready to be inspired by our expert speaker:

🎀 Jeriko Ichtus Seo: Discover the secrets of GitHub collaboration and version control in 'Mastering GitHub Basics.' πŸ“‚ Jeriko's insights as a Member of the Curriculum will empower you to navigate repositories, commits, and pull requests with ease.

Register now:

Don't miss this opportunity to level up your coding skills, connect with peers, and embark on a journey of innovation. GitHub Essentials is your gateway to seamless collaboration and impactful coding projects. πŸ’‘

See you there, and let's code for a brighter future! 🌐

#gdsc #gdscmatana #GitHubEssentials #CodingRevolution #MatanaUniversity #TechCommunity 


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  • Nico Abel Laia


    GDSC Lead

  • Jose Ryu Leonesta


  • Ary Budi Warsito

    Faculty Advisor

  • Sabrina Yose


  • Veronica Yose


  • Verio Aberossy Renedominick

    Curriculum Lead

  • Yonathan Arya Dhamma

    Community Development Lead

  • Nicolas Setiawan

    Events & Program Lead

  • Andreas Adventus Bayu

    Media Creative Lead

  • Eveline Valencia Anthony

    Member Of Curriculum

  • Jullius Celvin

    Member Of Community Development

  • Marco Suteja

    Member Of Events & Program

  • Jerik George

    Member of Media Creative

  • Yesaya Abraham Timotius

    Member of Events & Program

  • Michael Juferson Balla Tangkilisan

    Member of Media Creative

  • Bryan Lefrans Simarmata

    Member of Media Creative

  • Jeriko Ichtus Seo

    Member of Curriculum

  • Fiola Arta Glorya Saranani


    Member of Community Development

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