Google Solution Challenge 2023: Info Session & Design Thinking

Universitas Ma Chung - Malang, Indonesia

Provision of knowledge or tips and tricks to meet the needs of the Solution Challenge 2023 competition, namely info sessions and design thinking

Feb 4, 2023, 3:00 – 5:00 AM

7 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Solution Challenge

About this event

Hello developers 👋

GDSC Ma Chung presents "Solution Challenge 2023: Info Session and Design Thinking" ✨✨

Solution Challenge is an annual international Challenge held by Google. This challenge focused on implementing technologies to solve problems with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Do you interest in this challenge? Or still curious about Solution Challenge?

Don't worry, GDSC Ma Chung Collabs with HMP Teknik Informatika Ma Chung and Dicoding give knowledge, rules, and tips and tricks. Especially using the most known method. Yups, you've guessed it, it's Design Thinking 💻

So do you want to challenge yourself?🏆

Benefit :
• Knowledge
• Token Kelas Dicoding
• E-certificate

It's FREE ‼️ You can join right away by clicking the link below:

Eits, before joining, let's RSVP first at Dicoding:

See you there👋👋

Do you have any problems or questions? Feel free to chat

PIC: Marvin / +6281993669316


  • Catherine Kezia

    GDSC Lead

  • Stanley Adi Dewangga


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