GDSC Europe Ideathon

Polytechnic University of Madrid - Madrid, Spain

Information about Europe Ideathon

Dec 10, 2022, 12:00 PM – Dec 16, 2022, 12:00 PM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Solution Challenge

About this event

What is Ideathon?

Ideathon is a week-long content, supported by Google Devs Europe, that will get you ahead of the game!

You will use your creativity and cool tech skills to design the architecture of a scalable application. (this can be a mobile application, a web app, a website, or some sort of hardware)

How does the contest work?

-You form a team (maximum 4 members)

-Choose one (or more) goals from the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals

-You create the architecture of an application that solves this problem. Note that this architecture needs to be scalable and plausible to actually create!

What will Ideathon provide me with?

-A kickoff event (December 10th). We will explain everything you need to know to ace your contest + we have cool speaker sessions

-A week-long mentorship session. Ask questions from the best in the game!

How else does Ideathon help me with the Solution Challenge?

-Your design needs to contribute, to one or more of the UN’s 17 goals to end poverty, ensure prosperity, and protect the planet, just like the solution challenge.

-The first two steps of participating in the Solution Challenge are 1) Forming a team, 2) Having an awesome idea that is PLAUSIBLE to create and design its architecture

-So not only do you have the opportunity to do both of those things, but you ALSO get a bunch of cool prizes for it! (Not a bad deal!)

What’s in it for me?


-You will gain real-life skills that will look super cool on your resume( PS: you will get a certificate if you submit your idea)

-You will be using your knowledge for good and contributing to making our planet a better place.

-Getting the chance to receive mentorship from the best in the industry

-Learning how to design a scalable project

-Being ahead of the game for the Solution Challenge

How do I sign up?

Go ahead and sign up here!


  • Jaime Vicente

    GDSC Lead

  • Martin Rodriguez

    GDSC Lead

  • Gerardo Zapico

    Financial Lead

  • Marta Zaragoza

    Soft Skills Lead

  • Adriana Garcia

    Women Techmakers Ambassador

  • Pedro Gutierrez Hernando

    Project Manager

  • Alonso Porras Rodríguez

    EESTEC LC MADRID - Eurielec

    Eurielec's Chairperson - Logistic Coordinator

  • Alejandro Barrio


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