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Creating your Breakthrough Android app

United States International University Africa, TV Room 2, Freida Brown, Nairobi, 14634 - 00800

United States International University Africa - Nairobi, Kenya

Join us for the first session of the Android track

Key Themes


About this event


1. Setting up Android Studio and the prerequisites.

2. ⁠Setting up Github accounts and pushing

3. ⁠Choosing personal projects 

4. Wrap up

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Steve Chikwiri

    GDSC Lead

  • Briana Nzivu

    Vice Lead

  • Hannah Kiondo

    Co-Lead Logistics

  • prudence theuri

    Co-Lead Partnerships

  • Leah Ndumia

    Co-Lead, Marketing

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