Webinar Series #6 - Build Competitive Start-Up in The Digital Era

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang - Malang, Indonesia

Hosted webinars with cool presenters who are experienced in their fields, on very interesting topics related to technology and work life from startup level Cockroach to Unicorn.

Jul 17, 2022, 1:25 – 5:00 AM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentSolution Challenge

About this event

Hosted webinars with cool presenters who are experienced in their fields, on very interesting topics related to technology and work life from startup level Cockroach to Unicorn.

Register Here : bit.ly/mtf-eps-6


  • Decky Ilham Syaputra




  • Muchammad Alif Zaidan

    GDSC Lead

  • Adila Qurrota A'yun

    Core Team Event and Program Organizer

  • Nurul Izzah

    Core Team General Officer

  • Charles Iqbal Rizanta


    Core Team Partnership Association

  • Dinindriya Izzatinisa

    Core Team Media Creative

  • Muh Miftahul Khair

    Core Team Developer and Speaker

  • Nova Rahma

    Association Core Event and Program Organizer


    Association Core Event and Program Organizer

  • Ramadhani Pasuleri

    Association Core Event and Program Organizer

  • Intan Tiara Dewi

    Association Core General Officer

  • Amalia Amriadi

    Association Core General Officer

  • Laily Sabrina Hapsari

    Association Core General Officer

  • Mochamad Thoriq Khoir

    Association Core Partnership and Affiliation

  • Rizqi Amalia

    Association Core Partnership and Affiliation

  • Diah Ayu Rahma

    Association Core Partnership and Affiliation

  • Hafiz Daniswara


    Association Core Creative Media

  • Aisha Dwi

    Association Core Creative Media

  • Wafiy Anwarul Hikam

    Association Core Creative Media

  • Muhammad Ridho

    Association Core Developer and Speaker

  • Achmad Furqon Rachmadie

    Association Core Developer and Speaker

  • Fajar Triatmojo

    Association Core Developer and Speaker

  • M.Singgi Aditya Ramadhan

    UIN Malang

    Association Core Developer and Speaker

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