Build Your Network: An Afternoon with Morris Chen - A Machine Learning Engineer and Product Manager

津田塾大千駄ヶ谷キャンパス, 1-18-24, 渋谷区, 151-0051

Tsuda University, Sendagaya Campus - Tokyo, Japan

Do you want to learn from a professional who has worked as both a Machine Learning Engineer and Product Manager in one of the biggest companies in Toronto, Canada? Then, join us for an exclusive networking event with Morris Chen! やっほー!テック好きのみんな!今回は、カナダ・トロントの最大手企業で機械学習エンジニア・プロダクトマネージャーを務める、モリスさんと交流するイベントを開催するよー!

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

日本語タイトル: モリスさんと交流しよう!カナダの最大手企業で機械学習エンジニア・プロダクトマネージャーを務める彼と一緒に盛り上がろう!


Are you interested in pursuing a career in Tech? Do you want to talk to a professional who has worked as both a Machine Learning Engineer and Product Manager in one of the biggest companies in Toronto, Canada? Then, join us for an exclusive networking event with Morris Chen!

Morris is a recent graduate of the University of Toronto with a major in Machine Learning. He has worked as a DevOps Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, and now works as a Product Manager. He is visiting Japan during Golden Week and is eager to meet new people and expand his network during his stay.

This event is perfect for university students interested in Tech careers, Machine Learning, and Product Management, as well as those who want to practice speaking English. All university students are welcome to attend, regardless of their field of study or institution! Let's casually chat and build our network.

You'll have the opportunity to hear Morris share his journey, ask him questions, and network with like-minded individuals. Whether you're a student at Tsuda University or another institution, we invite you to come and join us for this exciting opportunity to build your network and learn from a professional in the field!

Date and Time:

Join us on May 1st at Tsuda University Sendagaya Campus from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. See you there!

How to Resister:

For Tsuda University students: you can just drop by without any reservation!

For other students: you must give us your name and university name by submitting this form: You must submit this form, otherwise you can’t enter Tsuda University for security reasons!










他大学の学生の方は、こちらのフォームから名前・メールアドレス・所属大学名をお知らせください: 。このフォームを提出しないと、安全上の理由から津田塾大学に入ることができません。


Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Monday, May 1, 2023
5:30 AM – 7:00 AM UTC


  • Morris Chen


  • Kurumi Muto

    Tsuda University


  • Miharu Nagashima

    GDSC Lead

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