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Exploring GDSC: “Open Session Insights"

Universitas Trilogi, No.1 Jalan TMP. Kalibata, Kota Jakarta Selatan, 12760

Trilogi University - South Jakarta, Indonesia

GDSC Trilogi will hold our first event, namely Exploring GDSC: "Open Session Insights" by the former Lead and Core Team of the previous GDSC Trilogy. This event aims to introduce you to the beginning of the formation of the GDSC Trilogi and the material from each speaker.

Key Themes


About this event

[Open Session]

Hello Gracious People and Tech Enthusiasts

GDSC Trilogi will hold our first event, namely Exploring GDSC: "Open Session Insights" by the former Lead and Core Team of the previous GDSC Trilogy. This event aims to introduce you to the beginning of the formation of the GDSC Trilogy and the material from each speaker.

You also get benefits, in the form of:

- Knowledge and new experience

- Connections

Therefore, don't miss the event held on:

📅 Saturday, September 23 2023

🕐 10.00 - 12.00 WIB

🏫 Room 102, Trilogi University

Our speakers in this event are:

- Qassandra Chaidir (Lead GDSC Trilogi 2019)

- Nadila Madjid (Lead GDSC Trilogi 2022)

Please, Friends u can register at :


if you need more information, contact :


See you on campus

Have a good day, hopefully batter😉





Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Saturday, September 23, 2023
3:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC


  • Qassandra Chaidir

    Developer Student Clubs Trilogi 2019


  • Nadilla Madjid

    Lead GDSC Trilogi 2022


  • Sri Indarti

    GDSC Lead

  • Tubagus Raka Satria Putra

    Co Lead GDSC

  • Desmita Aprilia


  • Dhimas Nugroho As Sidiq

    Facilitator Academy Web

  • Muhammad Rafii

    Universitas Trilogi

    Facilitator Academy Web

  • Izzaturamadhan Izzaturamadhan

    Facilitator Academy Mobile

  • Ramadhani Bagus Setiawan

    Facilitator Academy Mobile

  • Daffan Tantowi Sukarmin

    Facilitator Academy UI/UX

  • Sultan Anugrah

    Event Organizer (Partnership and Program)

  • Kurnia Naya

    Universitas Trilogi

    Event Organizer (Partnership and Program)

  • Kunto Wicaksono

    Creative Media

  • Raihan Arya Syahputra

    Creative Media

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