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About this event

Google Developer Student Clubs Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technologyにようこそ!

GDSC TUATはアプリ開発や機械学習などテクノロジー興味があるすべての学生が楽しめるコミュニティです。

GDSC TUATの活動内容の詳細の説明を行います。紹介後には質問タイムも設ける予定です。




1. RSVPをクリック

2. 簡単なアンケートに記入

3. 参加登録完了!(プロフィールは記入しなくても大丈夫です)

Welcome to Google Developer Student Clubs Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology!

GDSC TUAT is the community for the students who are gravitate to tech such as APP development or ML.

We're going to tell u what GDSC will do.

Of course there'll be time for Q&A.

PLZ join if you like! Looking forward to see you.

(The contents is the same for both session. If neither date is convenient for u, PLZ contact us via the mail at the top of the page.) 

<how to join>

1. Clik to RSVP.

2. Fill out the questions

3. Done! (you don't have to fill out the profile)

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Ibuki INOUE

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

    GDSC Lead


  • Kazuumi Nishimura

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

  • Ryo Watabe

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

  • Keidai Arai

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

  • Hayate Kojima

    Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


  • RM まさちか

    GDSC Lead

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