ULM Hawkathon

Hangar Hall, 700 University Avenue, Monroe, 71212

University of Louisiana Monroe - Monroe, United States

Get ready to show your coding skills at ULM- Hawkathon, an event organized by Google Developers Students Club (GDSC), and Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), which marks the first-ever hackathon in ULM's history.

Key Themes

Solution Challenge

About this event

Get ready to show your coding skills at ULM- Hawkathon, an event organized by Google Developers Students Club (GDSC), and Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), which marks the first-ever hackathon in ULM's history. This event will take place on April 12th and April 13th, 2024.


Open to all majors who possess a keen interest in technology.

Team of 1 to 4 members.


First Place

Monitor to each participant in the group

Sponsors special prize

$25 gift card to each participant

Second Place

Keyboard and mouse to each participant

Sponsor special prize.

$25 gift card to each participant

Third Place

$25 gift card to each participant

Raffles and Swags.......

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



April 12 – 13, 2024
3:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC


Welcome and Introduction
Technical Presentation & Problem Discussion
Open Discussion
Typing Competition
Project Development Assistance
Progress Presentations and Day Planning
Conclusion of Day One


  • University of Louisiana Monroe

    University of Louisiana at Monroe



Campus Activities Board logo

Campus Activities Board

Association for Computing Machinery logo

Association for Computing Machinery


  • Bishwo Dahal


    GDSC Lead

  • Bibek Neupane

    Vice President

  • Prasiddhi Luitel

    Public Relation Officer

  • Lochan Acharya

    Web Dev Director

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

Contact Us