GIT & GITHUB version control systems

The Kisumu National Polytechnic - Kisumu, Kenya

Understanding version control systems.

Jan 21, 2023, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

35 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentSolution ChallengeWeb

About this event

Introduction to Opensource.

Understand what version control systems are. 

Perform initial Git setup. 

Understand what rebase and merge commits are, how they work, and what is their difference.


  • Jimmy Otieno

    Space Ya Tech

    Software Engineer


  • Doris Achieng'

    GDSC lead

    GDSC Lead

  • Ayugi Sophia

    GDSC Co-Lead

  • Collins Omondi

    Uamuzi Founation

    Android Lead

  • Stan Junior

    Tonnix Media

    Front-end developer lead

  • Joanes Abor

    Media and creatives lead

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