Choosing a career Path in Tech

Taraba State University - Jalingo, Nigeria

This event is aim at giving all the necessary guide for those interested in choosing a path in Tech, but do not know where to start.

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

We are hosting an awesome session with the Tech enthusiast, focused on choosing a tech career path. It promises to be exciting, educative, 

When it comes to the many specialty areas Computer Science, there are so many careers to choose. One way to take the very first step towards picking an IT career path is to choose with major target area sounds ideal for you. The categories include:

Information Security

Network and Cloud Technologies

Hardware, Services, and Infrastructure

IT Management and Strategy

Storage and Data

Web and Mobile

Software Development etc.

So, the obvious first step is to review each of these major areas and begin to assess which fits your skills and personality best. Perhaps the idea of working in software development doesn’t exactly thrill you; then nix it from the list and keep moving.

Once you begin to narrow the field you can start looking at the specializations within the major categories. 

Come learn from the best minds on how to choose a tech career path.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Kelvin Moses




  • Ehnamuram Enoch

    GDSC Lead

  • Elijah Victor

    Community Manager

  • Gana Christopher

    Dprince IT Expert

    Content Creator

  • Uloko Matthew Baba

    Design Lead

  • Theresa Agbo-inedu

    Marketing and Outreach Coordinator

  • Fatima Zara

    Event Coordinator

  • Rimamnde Fyafatirimam

    Vice Lead

  • Tasiu Ibrahim

    Linear Links/Tasiu Links

    Ex-Lead, GDSC Alumni

  • Lucky Joseph

    Ex-Lead, GDSC Alumni

  • Usman Hassan

    Technical Lead

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