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How to Land Your Dream Job

Tanta University - Tanta, Egypt

Online talk with Ahmed Alfy

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Ready for our first Surprise for our PartnerShip with Alx ? 🤩

So you are invited for the “Navigating Tomorrow” webinar series,

starting with Part 1: How to land your dream job? A guide for job seekers

Webinar Details:

📅Date: Friday December 15

⏰Time: 4 PM

⏳Duration: 60 minutes

The Host: Ahmed Nagib - ALX Activation Manager Egypt

The Speaker : Ahmed Alfy is the Chief Technology Officer at Robusta Studio. Ahmed has 15+

years of experience in software development inside and outside Egypt and he is a well

recognized professional leader and influencer in the software and technology field 🔥.

في الجلسة دي، هيناقشوا مواضيع مهمة تتعلق بالتغير المستمر الحاصل في تطور مهارات القوى العاملة. بعد الجلسة، هتكون

عندك المعلومات ال هتساعدك تفهم سوق العمل، وتتعلم استراتيجيات تقييم مهاراتك الشخصية وازاي تكتشف أي نقاط ضعف

عندك، و تعرف أهمية التعليم المستمر وتطوير مهاراتك 🤯

الويبينار ده بيوضح معلومات اكتر عن صناعة التكنولوجيا، والطلب دلوقتي على محترفي التكنولوجيا، و ازاي ALX ممكن

تساعدكم في مجال التكنولوجيا 🔥

🔗 To secure your spot, and receive future invites please register here ✨


We look forward to your participation in this engaging discussion on the future of workforce skills

and career development.

Stay tuned for more parts coming soon!🔥

#GDSC #ALX #Partnership #Collaboration #Innovation





Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Ahmed Alfy

    Web Technology

    Google Developer Expert


  • Rowan Ibrahem


    GDSC Lead

  • Nada Omar

    Head OC Committee

  • Rahma Osama


  • Karim El Refai

    GDSC Tanta

    Head Media

  • Shams Amr

    Vice HR Committie

  • Ahmed Mahgoob

    Head Marketing

  • Shahd M7md

    Marketing Member

  • Momen Mohamed

    Tanta University

    Vice Media

  • Abdulrhman Khattab

    PR Mentor

  • Amira kamel

    OC Member

  • Mo Amr

    PR Member

  • Abdelrahman Eltokhy

    Media Member

  • Mohamed Elshiekh

    Media Instructor

  • Radwa Hashiesh

    free lancer

    Machine Learning Instructor

  • fatma darwish

    HR Member

  • Mahmoud Moustafa


    HR Member

  • Hagar Elbanna

    Marketing Vice

  • AbdAlrhman Al-Hegazy

    Marketing Director

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