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職涯幫助讀書會:2023-06-18 講座

Tam Kang University - New Taipei City, Taiwan

Week 10: LRS Headhunter Share --- Annie Lee 2023 - 06 - 18 14:00, Come and Join!

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

✏️ Week 9 讀書會 <> 大綱

6/18(日)13:50 - 15:00 ( 14:00正式開始)


📌 邀請到LRS 科技獵頭 --- Annie,帶給大家更貼近現在找工作眉角和人才就業市場趨勢!

1. 2023 - 2030 科技產業趨勢

2. 關於台灣的就業市場

3. 如何和獵頭合作

4. HR 問薪資我該怎麼答?

5. Q&A

✨ Welcome to TKUAI Career Growth Study Group!

1️⃣ This is a study group for Tech and None Tech job seekers!

2️⃣ Provide a Career path planning perspective from a Tech + Business Talent Acquisition that grasps and enjoys job searching trends and tips!  

3️⃣ Helps members with the necessary skills to succeed in job hunting.

🗣 Topics include understanding of: 

📌 Career Development Planning

📌 Job Market and Talent Research

📌 CV writing and examining

📌 LinkedIn Profile Set-up

📌 Mock Interview (English & Chinese)

📌 Remote or Not Remote

📌 Digital Collaborating Tools

📌 Notion 101

Students will assess their values, skills, interests, and personality, research job opportunities, and set achievable career milestones.

The session aims to empower students with the tools and knowledge they need to build a successful career.



🗣 主題包括

1️⃣ 透過閱讀、分享、講座和討論,讓你能夠學習到職場中最實用的技能和最新的趨勢。

2️⃣ 就業市場調查、履歷撰寫和檢查、LinkedIn 檔案建立、中英面試準備、遠端工作小撇步、Notion 初探、遠端協作工具教學和職涯發展規劃等等。

3️⃣ 這個讀書會不僅讓你擴展人脈和習得找工作的眉角,更能夠循訓漸進地引導你了解自己的職涯目標!

✏️ 職涯幫助課程大綱:Click Here(將隨與會者表單回饋結果而有所更動)

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Vivinee Liao

    Tech & Business Talent Analyst


  • Vivinee Liao

    Tech & Business Talent Analyst

  • Headway Chen

    Tamkang University

    Undergraduate student


  • 孝毅

    GDSC Lead

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