Basic Coding : Python Programming

This event is aimed at teaching the python programming language .

Nov 16, 2020, 5:30 AM – Nov 20, 2020, 6:50 AM



Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

The following Basic coding series is mainly focused on teach python programming to newly joined 1st years, anyone is welcome to join if they are interested.

This series will make the newly joined juniors ready for all the other intraclub activities

The series is divided into two parts :

  1. Basics : The basic series will help in understanding the basic of coding with Python as a language .It will start from the basic concepts and go on till objects, classes and Object Oriented Programming(OOPS) with some interesting coding sessions.
  2. Advanced : The advanced series which will be taken up in future events , will be focused on teaching different libraries and their applications in data science and ethical hacking domains.

Schedule for Sessions :

  1. DAY 1 (16/11/2020):

    1. - What is coding and what is python.
    2. - Why we are moving with python .
    3. - Various platform available for python
    4. - Introduction to jupyter notebook.
    5. - Python
      1. - Printing in Python
      2. - “Hello World”
      3. - Calculation
      4. - Strings
      5. - Escape character
      6. - Variables and Types
      7. - Numeric data type
      8. - Operations
      9. - Negative indexing in strings
      10. - Slicing
      11. - F-string
      12. - Blocks and statement
      13. - If statement
      14. - Elif
      15. - Using add ,in ,or
  2. DAY 2 (17/11/2020):

    1. - While loop
    2. - For loop
    3. - Break and continue
    4. - Loop with else
    5. - List
    6. - List functions
    7. - Dict
    8. - Dict functions
    9. - Set, tuple
    10. - Iterating over a list
    11. - Reversing a list
    12. - Functions
  3. DAY 3 (20/11/2020):

    1. - Classes
    2. - Doubts


  • Kartik Bhushan

    Symbiosis Institute Of Technology

    DSC Lead

  • Gaurav Joshi

    Symbiosis Institute Of Technology

    Core Team Member

  • Harsh Chandekar

    Symbiosis Institute Of Technology

    Basic Coding Lead


  • Prachi.Lal Btech2020

    GDSC Lead

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